Salam semua.
=) post kali ni mgkn agak kontroversial sket,but, just wanna share some thoughts i guess. For this block, i have one lecturer ni, D****** who teach chemistry and this guy, M*** who teach genetics. Btw, these two guys obviously have a lot of differences which i can sum up below:p/s:imej ini untuk menggambarkan kehenseman lect ini.
D*****(chemistry lecturer)
-young, but already have phd.
Some eloboration(haha. diz sounds nonsense)
My friends (and i basically), are always being impressed by the 'macho' image of this lecturer. One of my friends really 'fall in love' with him!hahahaha
M***(genetics lecturer)
-looks like 'skema' guy
-kurus but
-cute guy
-full wth sense of humour (basically, he will always made u smile and laugh!) p/s:lect ini bukanlah begini mukanya,tp,comel spt ini,malahan lebih comel.boleh dikatakn mukanya seperti budak tingkatan 2.=)
more eloboration(lalalala)
This lecturer is so cute.He's really good in teaching and know how to keep ur eyes open for 1 hour.hehe.He full with sense of humour. One of my friends said that he can be a good 'pengacara' for rancangan kanak2.hehehe.(rasa mcm btol jgk=p)
Btw, this is not what i wanna stress here. let's think for seconds. If u're given a choice, which one would u choose??
(A) hANDsome, macho guy like lecturer chem
(B) cute, with sense of humour guy like lecturer genetics
haaaaa????made ur decision??
give me a second.
i choose the second one.
i want someone who can make me me smile for the whole of my life..someone who never tired to make me laugh..cheer up my day..
kehandsoman won't last long=)
smile is.
In Islam, we've been asked to choose someone who has strong faith, has good akhlak, 'beradab' and 'mempunyai harta dan berakhlak mulia' in term of to be our husbands/wives. This is important so that we will have marriages that will give us peace and happiness in hearts and minds.
"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya diantaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir."
So, if we don't choose someone who has good qualities,how are we going to get the peace and happiness??
To deserve someone with good qualities, we must have good qualities too.So, kita mesti berusaha untuk sentiasa menjadi lebih baik dr semalam....
Well, there are many things that we have to consider before we choose or accept someone to be our soulmates. So, made a good decision based on what Islam has taught us. Don't be blinded by 'kecantikan luaran'=) and tidak dilupa, sentiasa menjadi lebih baik dr hari semalam.
The Drs In My House......
9 years ago
salam tihah..
ad blog ropenye..
lamo jgk ain duk mencari kabar brito thah..
npk je on9 kat ym tp xde nk tegor..
smart sgt ko lect tu??
kirim salam buleh??
ari" duk bercerita pasal mereka di meja makan!~
wei..seyes HENSEM n comeylll lecturer ko.huhu
klo mcm tu.ak pon smgt nk study n dgr lect.haha [trok tol niat.hehe :D]
nway..btol2 pe conclusion ko cik t.
tp kann...mane nk cari..huhu
yela..klo kite rase owg tu cm dah terbaek.but klo rase diri sndiri x terbaek..nk wat per?
[forum2..lame x tye ko skln pelik2.hehe :P]
ain illi:sht2..nk km slm ko??hahaha.buley2..
cik did:x slah jika kita niat nk org yang baik spya kita pn dpt jdk org y baik...y pntg,jgn plak kita x imprve dri kita=)
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