Salam semua.
I wonder if 'isu kawin' is normal when u're in 20's???cz everyone now is talking about getting married(kepala angguk2 tanda diri sendiri pn gedik duk berckp psl kwin jga).
It seems like everyone is soo excited waiting for their 'jodoh' to come and yess..yess..everyone is wondering when they're getting married.(nice feelings actually..hehehe..stop it fatihah.)
oh yes, not to forget, the parents..hahaha..they now have part time job mcm polis and asking questions like "kak long da ada calon ke?" "kat sana xde ke sape2 y berkenan?" or..if not ur parents asking these questions, u'll get it from ur relatives!hahahaha..
but like we know, getting married doesn't bundled with only happiness or any kegedikan yang boleh dilakukan hanya bila kahwin(hehehehe) but, it bundled with lots of responsibilities.
i guess, we need to ask ourselves, if we really understand those responsibilities and we prepared.oh juga, do not bother so much with those responsibilities smpai ada y pening kepala and tba2 tanak kawin plak coz getting married is an ibadah.Remember, ALLAH had promised that He will help those who do it because of Him.
so, kena yakin.yes, yakin.
p/s:oh, to all my frens, selamat mencari!semoga bertemu y soleh dan solehah.jgn lupa juga jemput mkn nasik minyak!
The Drs In My House......
9 years ago
may Allah make ease for you sweetheart!=)
i remember reading Muhammad Qutb's mutiara perkahwinan. let our marriage be like thereof a light in the darkness. in which other households are in awe and look up to.. and from tht light do they seek for guidance..
and may it be the source to light up other lights=)
rabbana hablana min azwaajina wazurriyyatina qurratu a'yun..waj'alna lil muttaqeena imaama=)
"Our Lord! grant us in our mates and offspring the joy of our eyes and make us patterns for those who guard against evil." (25:74)
ps: ws ur house ok masa hail last sat? it didnt leak or nything did it?
thanks kak tmc. my house ok jee..alhamdulillah..u?
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